The Leaderboards are a new addition to the WES and a way for players and clans to track their progress, as well as to track the progress of other players and clans. Points for the Leaderboards are determined by the following method:

Each game the a player wins is worth three points, while ties are worth one point. This point total is multiplied by a multiplier that is based on the type of event (as outlined below). Finally, a pre-set number of participation points (as outlined below) are added to this multiplied point total for the final point total that is added to the total score on the Leaderboard. Clans gain points by the aggregate points earned by its members.

The event-based multiplier is as follows:

  • 1x: Store custom events, Con-In-Your-Store
  • 2x: Pre-release events and Monthly OPs
  • 3x: Storyline OPs
  • 5x: WKO, Regional Championships
  • 8x: National Championships
  • 12x: World Championships

Participation points are awarded based on the number of players in the event:

  • 0 points: 0-4 players
  • 1 points: 5-8 players
  • 2 points: 9-16 players
  • 3 points: 17-32 players
  • 4 points: 33-64 players
  • 5 points: 65-128 players
  • 6 points: 129-156 players
  • 7 points: 257-512 players
  • 8 points: 513-1,024 players
  • 9 points: 1,025+ players

Leaderboard data is recorded starting from April 01, 2015 (The win/loss record on your player page goes back to the start of the WES). The Leaderboard standings are updated weekly at midnight Wednesday (Eastern US). At the close of a Leaderboard period, stores have two weeks to report events from that period before the final standings are set.

Then Leadeboards can be viewed from the WES navbar or by the "Leaderboards" tab on the player’s profile page.

Selecting the "Leaderboards" tab will take a user to the Leaderboards standing page for that user and show their standings in the four different game types for the WES. If the user is a member of a Clan, then the Clans standings are shown as well.

Selecting the "Leaderboards" option from the navbar will produce a broader set of leaderboards for all four game types that will show the user’s standing at the top with the top ten users for each game type below. At the bottom of each Leaderboard is a "View Full Standings" link that will bring up a more detailed leaderboard for the specific game type selected.

Clicking the "View Full Standings" link will bring a user to a more detailed page, where you can view the rank of all players on WES. Options on the left side of the page can be used to select which game type, time period, and country the Leaderboard will display. There is also a "Set as Default" button so that a user can save his desired selections as a default to be remembered for future vitis. This page includes leaderboards for individual players and clans.