The Solicits page is a quick and easy way for you to see view solicitations for new and recently changed updated WizKids products via the WES site. To view solicits on the WES site, you will need to log in create a username and password if it is your first time on the website. Once you have logged in, you should see the "Solicit" menu item in the navigation bar at the top of the screen.
The Solicits page features a list of all the published solicits available for your consideration. There is a search and filter option on the left side of the page to make navigating easier.
In the list of solicits, you can click on the arrow at the far right to see a brief description of the solicit or click on the solicit itself to see it in its entirety.
Clicking on a solicit will take you to a page where all the details for the product are provided including images of the products a picture of the item in question. This page also includes a print button at the top that provides a preview of what the solicit will look like when printed.